Contact Us

Contact Us

You can reach me by 2 methods.

I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Please be patient.

Method 1

By email using the following email address:

Before you hit that email ‘Send’ button, have you considered the scenario below?

If you’d like to contact me regarding an article you’ve read on this blog as in:

‘Got a question’ or
‘Got a comment’ or
‘Just want to clarify something’

Do you know that you can do all of the above at the bottom of each article?

Just scroll to the bottom of the article and you will see a box with ‘Join the discussion…‘ or ‘Start the discussion…’ inscribed within it. Yeah, that’s the one. Simply ask a question or write your comment there.

But before you do, you need to register with Disqus. Once you click or tap to write, you will be prompted to register, if you haven’t registered with Disqus already.

Don’t worry, registration with Disqus is free and it only takes 2 minutes.
All you do is; choose a username and a password, that’s it.

Also you don’t need to worry. Disqus is just a software that blog owners use to make commenting on their blogs easy. They won’t be marketing to you!

And guess what, once you have registered with Disqus, you can post comments in any other blog that has Disqus on it. Not just my blog. Any blog on the internet with Disqus. Oh yes, you get a free pass going forward. Not bad, is it for 2 minutes work.

And in case you are wondering if your question or comment will get to me…Don’t worry, it will, as soon as you post it. I will get notified as soon as you post it.

I make very effort to respond to every post or comment, because I respect your opinion, time and effort. You get the same response on the blog just as you will if you emailed me directly.

Now if you still feel you need to reach me by email, please use the email address below:


Method 2

By post using the following address:

Suite 24, Maerdy

Ansari Court,



CF72 8TA

Thank you

Dr Joe

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